Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Brown Truck

On the way to the church this morning to clean the nursery...

Sadie - "Mom, is that the brown truck that gave us our stroller?"

Me - "Yes, Sadie, it is."

Sadie - "Oh, do they have strollers at the post office?"

Me - "No, Mommy bought it from a store online and then that store called the brown truck to come and get it and bring it to us."

Sadie - "Oh."

Me - "The brown truck is going to bring you something from Mimi this week."

Sadie - "Oh, what is it?"

Me - "I don't know. It's a surprise."

Sadie - "It's probably clothes, huh?"

Me - "Hahahaha!"

Monday, June 28, 2010

What's That on Your Nose?

Sadie - "Mommy, what's that on your nose?"

Me - "It's called a pimple."

Sadie - "Oh, is it an owie?"

Me - "Yeah, kind of."

Sadie - "How did you get it?"

Me - "Well it just kind of happens, you'll find out."

Leave it to the kids to point out the obvious. Gotta love it!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Trash Can Truck

Wednesday is trash day at our house. On Wednesday this is how the conversation went...

Sadie: "Mama, is that the trash can truck outside?"

Me: "Yes it is."

Sadie: "What is that man's name in the truck?"

Me: "I don't know."

Sadie: "Can I ride in the trash can truck sometime with that man?"

Me: "No, I don't think so."

Sadie: "Yes I can. When I get bigger I can."

Me: (not quite knowing how to respond without offending trash can truck drivers and not to put any stereotypes into Sadie's mind) "No...no, honey, I don't think so. We, uh, well, just no."

Sadie: "Yes I can. You can't come with me. Mimi will come on the airplane and she will come with me."

Me: "Okay, we'll let Mimi take you."

She has learned the old addage - when Mama says "no", just ask Mimi! (I wonder what Mimi will tell her.)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I Only Have 2 Hands

Today as I was leaving to take Sadie to preschool, I put Sadie's breakfast on the table...

Me: "Sadie, c'mon let's go."

Sadie: "Okay, but first I have to finish my connect 4".

Me: "Alright, come to the garage when you're done and get your granola bar, raisins and milk on your way out. They are on the dining room table."

Sadie: (not skipping a beat) "but I only have 2 hands."

This girl is too smart for her own britches!